Ariostea monogram

Milan, Italy

Vegè Group

Architect: Granese Architecture & Design Studio

Ariostea technical ceramics consolidate their vocation for contemporary furnishing design on major renovation projects, including new offices for Gruppo VéGé on via Lomellina 10, Milan.

Diego Granese architectural practice, responsible for the interior design, created an ultra-sophisticated, customized design, with meticulous attention to construction and installation details.

Gruppo VéGé, an innovative company in modern Italian retail distribution, has a widespread network of over 3,400 points of sale throughout Italy, including supermarkets, hypermarkets, and discount and cash carry stores.

With both the end customer and Group member companies central to this rapidly expanding network, the head office clearly has an essential role in terms of coordinating and optimizing the excellent performance and marketing services provided by Gruppo VéGé. The renovation project by Granese Architecture Design Studio is primarily based on consolidating their traditional image, updated with a modernized design concept, and consistent with an environmentally-friendly, eco-sustainable perspective.

Based on these architectural design prerequisites, the choice was naturally oriented towards Ariostea products. Ariostea puts factors such as environmental awareness, green energy, energy saving and reducing to the utmost their environmental impact in the various manufacturing stages at the center of their business. The preference for not removing the old floors and relative screeds (approximately 1500 sq.m.) resulted in the use of Ariostea technical porcelain products with a thickness of only 6mm.

An effective, practical and forward-looking choice in terms of performance since, by installing this greatly reduced thickness of tile, the existing floors were not overloaded, and new floors and walls could be installed without demolishing the existing ones.

This option also provided a shorter installation time, cost savings and very low environmental impact. The absence of waste materials also obviated any disposal.

From an aesthetic point of view, the design studio and clients decided on the Ultra Marmi and Ultra Pietre technical porcelain collections in Statuario Altissimo and Basaltina Antracite respectively. The contrasting light-dark effect in itself provides visual interest and striking impact.

In particular the bright marble effect for communal areas, corridors, stairs, columns and walls accentuates the eye-catching, prestigious look, bringing to life an overall ambiance where traditional elements, such as marble and stone, are reinterpreted in a contemporary style, due to striking color combinations with the furnishings.

The repeated gray veining is an appealing design feature which enhances the Ultra collections’ large format creating a uniform design, including from a three-dimensional point of view, due to the through veining.

With its sophisticated, impressive look, the darker Basaltina Antracite used on office flooring helps to create a simple ambiance of subtle yet formal elegance.

Ariostea monogram

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